Digital Phenotyping was founded in 2021 in a joint effort of complementary experiences in the area of agronomy, agricultural experimentation, remote sensing, data science and information technology. The use of new technologies based on aerial images makes it possible to extract accurate information for the analysis of agricultural experiments and decision making using accurate data extracted from sensors, increasing the scale and reliability of the results.

Help customers in decision making in final trials of competition varieties, management of inputs and agricultural practices.
Make data available in a didactic and assertive way, generating a positive impact on the future of companies and businesses.
Innovation, simplicity, trust, assertiveness and responsibility.
Our headquarters are located in Votuporanga – São Paulo and in the Research Triangle Park region in North Carolina – United States.
It serves customers from any part of the world and with a diversity of cultures and agricultural tests.
Votuporanga - São Paulo - BR
Research Triangle Park - North Carolina - USA
How We Are
With more than 20 years of experience in the Information Technology area, he graduated from UFSCAR in computer science and specializes in data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence applied to geotechnology and agriculture. He currently resides in Brazil, Votuporanga, São Paulo, where he coordinates the company’s activities with clients nationwide.
PhD, graduated in biology from PUCCAMP and PhD in genetics and molecular biology from UNICAMP with a focus on plant genetic improvement. He started work with remote sensing and the use of aerial images in agricultural experimentation in 2018 when he was working as an Associate Research Scientist at Texas A&M University, during this period he worked with different crops such as sugarcane, tomato, potato, watermelon, pepper, etc. . Currently resides in the United States, North Carolina where he coordinates the company’s headquarters in Research Triangle Park.